With Six Store Locations to Serve You,
We're the Luckiest Mile in Tennessee.
(931) 438-3354
Lucky's Deli
Stateline Deli
Lottery Results
Lucky's Lottery School
Customer Feedback Survey - The Magic Mile
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What is your age?
-- Please Select Age --
16 to 25
26 to 34
35 to 49
50 to 64
65 and over
Invalid Input
Store Location
-- Please Select Store --
Stateline Shell & Deli
Stateline Lottery
Tennessee Jackpot Express
Lucky's Place
Not Sure
Invalid Input
How attentive was the salesperson?
-- Please Select --
Extremely attentive
Very attentive
Somewhat attentive
A little attentive
Not at all attentive
Invalid Input
How respectful was the salesperson?
-- Please Select --
Extremely Respectful
Very respectful
Somewhat respectful
A little respectful
Not at all respectful
Invalid Input
Did the salesperson offer you coupons, discount or other promotions?
Invalid Input
Overall, how was your visit to this store?
-- Please Select --
Very good
Very Poor
Invalid Input
Please rate the cleanliness of the store.
-- Please Select --
Extremely clean
Very clean
Somewhat clean
A little clean
Not at all clean
Invalid Input
How visually appealing was the store layout?
-- Please Select --
Extremely appealing
Very appealing
Somewhat appealing
Not very appealing
Not at all appealing
Invalid Input
How many minutes did you wait in line during checkout?
-- Please Select --
0 to 1 minute
2 to 5 minutes
6 to 10 minutes
Invalid Input
Why did you choose this store location?
-- Please Select --
Customer service
More products/services offered
Prices are better
Less crowded
Store layout is nicer
Convenient location to work
Convenient location to home
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How often do you visit this store location?
-- Please Select --
Almost every day
A few times a week
Once a week
Once or twice a month
A few times a year
Once a year or less
Invalid Input
How likely or unlikely is it that you will return to this store?
-- Please Select --
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
Invalid Input
What other products or services would you like to see at this store?
Invalid Input
Did you have any issues during your visit? If so, please describe:
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Additional Comments
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Enter Numbers
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We're always looking for qualified and experienced team members. If you take pride in great customer service, see our
employment page
for more info.
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The Magic Mile
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